Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to Common Questions about Iowa OWI/DUI/DWI
At Goodman Law Firm, we often get questions about Iowa’s drunk and drugged driving laws. We have provided the most common questions with answers from a Sioux City lawyer, who focuses exclusively on Iowa OWI defense.
If you have other questions, please contact us online or at (712) 373-2621 to schedule a time to speak with a Sioux City lawyer for OWI, DUI, and DWI charges in North and Southwest Iowa.
What About Blood Tests?
Chemical tests (e.g., breath, blood, or urine) are often conducted when police officers think that drivers are operating their vehicles while impaired. Under Iowa's implied consent law, the state believes that you have already consented to a chemical test (breath, blood, or urine) as a condition of having a driver's license.
You have the right to refuse the test. Refusing a test, however, can leave open additional license revocation consequences.
Do You Have to Submit to Field Sobriety Tests in Iowa?
Many different types of field sobriety tests may be used in an OWI/DUI/DWI stop, including:
- One-leg stand
- Walk and turn
- Horizontal gaze nystagmus (following the officer's finger with your eyes)
- Preliminary breath screening test (PBT) (the handheld breath test)
Legally, you are not required to perform these tests. You have the legal right to decline any physical test you're asked to perform, even the eye test.
Will I Face Jail Time?
Are Breath Tests Accurate?
Breath tests are notoriously inaccurate. Just because the police have the DataMaster breath test result does not mean they can use it against you in court. The breath test administrator may not have been professionally trained or qualified, the test may have been given incorrectly, or the machine may have been wrongly calibrated.
How Can I Save My Driver’s License?
When you are arrested and charged with an OWI in Iowa, the Department of Transportation may automatically revoke your driving privileges. You may be able to appeal the revocation of your license by filing a written request for an appeal with the Department of Transportation, but the appeal is highly time-sensitive. You must do it within a limited time or lose your right to appeal.
What Kind of Person Gets an OWI/DUI?
Drunk driving arrests can happen to anyone. Our clients have included doctors and nurses, dentists, attorneys, factory workers, teachers, social workers, and many more. We know that good people make mistakes, and good people are often falsely accused of driving under the influence.
At Goodman Law Firm, we offer non-judgmental representation. When you talk to Attorney Bryan Goodman, you can get a professional who is 100% on your side and who will fight to defend you in Iowa courts.
How Do I Get Started With Goodman Law Firm?Call the Goodman Law Firm today or send me a message online to learn about your options and how I can help you minimize the personal and financial impact of an OWI/DUI arrest or criminal charge. All consultations are confidential. You have nothing to lose but your fear and uncertainty and everything to gain.